CD Cyrus CDt-XR and CDi-XR: Dual-processor control in flow and energy return topology
Cyrus Audio introduced two CD players in the new XR half-size component series. These are the “clean” CD transport of the Cyrus CDt-XR and the complete CDi-XR player.
Both new items received power supplies of new circuitry – transformers in them were created specifically for the XR models. Noise control has extended to the mechanics as well: the CD drive is quieter than previous Cyrus models. Both players received not one, but two control microprocessors: the first serves the user interface, and the second is responsible for the motors, which eliminates possible interruptions. In addition, both players received an updated disc loader design.
The CDi-XR used a second generation QXR DAC. The developers noted that this is a big improvement over Burr Brown from the company’s previous CD players. The DAC was placed in a shielded section and optimized to work specifically with CD-resolution signals – 16 bit / 44 kHz. The resynchronization scheme is designed to reduce jitter. For convenience, the CDi-XR received not one, but two analog RCA outputs.
In both models, the layout takes into account the principles of energy flow and return: the electronics are arranged in a horseshoe shape, with the signal going in one direction and the power in the opposite direction. For the audiophile CDt XR transport, removing the DAC circuitry, according to Cyrus, created a quieter environment for signal conditioning that is re-synchronized at the device’s output.
For each of the players there is an improved power supply from the external PSU-XR unit. The complete remote control is duplicated by sensors on the front panel of each device. Operation parameters are displayed on large displays, and the housings are Phantom Black.
The prices of new products are already known. In the UK, the CDi-XR CD player will cost £2,000 and the CDt-XR will cost £2,200.