Qualcomm Announces Snapdragon Sound Platform for 24/96 Low Latency Wireless Audio

Qualcomm decided it was time for high-quality wireless audio and announced the Snapdragon Sound platform, which includes chip families for both sources and headphones themselves, as well as related software. The task of the new platform is to bring wireless sound in mobile devices closer to wired sound quality.

“The human ear is very sensitive to subtle inconsistencies, delays and other issues that we regularly encounter when calling, playing and listening to music using wireless headphones,” said James Chapman, vice president of Qualcomm. “We strive to eliminate these common consumer concerns through innovation at virtually every stage of audio transmission”.

Qualcomm Snapdragon Sound Platform

Among the main features of the platform, the developers identified the ability to transmit audio in quality up to 24 bit / 96 kHz with a delay of up to 89 μs and a more stable connection even in an environment with a clogged radio frequency range. The company also said that with this platform it will be possible to achieve clearer and cleaner voice transmission during calls.

Qualcomm Snapdragon Sound Platform

The list of advantages of Snapdragon Sound includes lower power consumption and convenience: ease of connection, support for simultaneous work with multiple devices and an intuitive interface.

Qualcomm Snapdragon Sound Platform

According to Qualcomm, now is the right time for the release of such a platform, because, firstly, the market has lovingly adopted fully wireless audio solutions and is actively using them, and secondly, more and more audio streaming services offer content in high quality, and thirdly, the speed of mobile and home Internet access is growing, and with them the consumption of media content is growing, fourthly, the mobile gaming industry is developing and, fifthly, the number of people working from home offices is growing.

Qualcomm Snapdragon Sound Platform

Qualcomm partners at the launch with Amazon Music HD streaming service, as well as the brands Xiaomi and Audio-Technica. The first Snapdragon Sound devices will hit the market within a few months.

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