Remastero PGGB 1.0.42 software: sound correction according to your taste and equipment

In strict accordance with its own name, Remastero offered proprietary remastering tools in the PGGB software package. The technology provides a “A no compromise approach to PCM remastering”, she said. The first public release (v1.0.42) is now available for download.

This software uses Remastero proprietary signal processing circuitry. Among them – patented methods of working with frames and recovery filters. They are complemented by algorithms for transparent volume control, equalization, high-frequency noise filtering, scaling and bit depth conversion.

The PGGB application will allow, for example, to transform the sound of the entire digital music library in accordance with the characteristics of the equipment and the tastes of the owner. All of this can be combined with upsampling or downsampling of PCM audio files. The tags and file structure will be preserved.

PGGB can also be integrated into a professional mastering workspace, but for this you will need to contact the developer. In addition, it is possible to use Remastero’s PGGB for real-time operation. The latest version of PGGB works in Matlab version 9.9.

The program accepts files in wav, flac, aif, aiif, m4a and dsf formats, outputting 12-, 32- or 64-bit wav. The system requires a 64-bit computer with Windows 10. 64 GB of RAM and an 8-core processor are recommended.

You can buy a license for the downloaded version of PGGB by contacting Remastero by e-mail. You can also find out the cost directly.

One thought on “Remastero PGGB 1.0.42 software: sound correction according to your taste and equipment

  • 25/04/2021 at 18:48

    I’ve been using PGGB for only a short while but I’m quite impressed with the flexibility of constructing output files that my ears like. The results are exceptional and justify the cost of configuring a computer to meet minimum requirements, increased file storage and the time to arrive at processing solutions you like.

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