The third reincarnation of the legendary machine Simon Yorke S9

Artist and engineer Simon Yorke has announced the release of the third version of the Simon Yorke S9 vinyl record player. In this case, we are talking about manual assembly in the truest sense of the word – each instance of the machine is build and assembled by the maestro personally. On the one hand, this approach ensures the exclusivity of the product – in a year Simon plans to produce no more than five players, and on the other hand, there is the possibility of complete customization of the device to customer requests. That is, each copy is assembled to order.

“After more than thirty years of  make a “pure” record player, this is what I’ve ended up with…” says Simon. – “Of all the machines I have designed and built, the S9 remains my favourite. I keep returning to it, because it is inherently ‘right’. It is the only one of my designs that has evolved over time. This version (#3) looks and feels like a machine tool because it IS a machine tool – in service to music.”

The author pays special attention to the reliability of his products, the path to which lies through simplicity. “I will make each machine to last, not decay.” Simon explains. – Providing it is not abused it should continue to perform its function for decades. And, should it be discovered in a cave some hundred years hence, any competent craftsman should be able to discern its function and rekindle it. This is the joy of its simplicity.”


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